Royal Decree 86/2023 Approving the Assignment of a Percentage of the Rights and Obligations in the Petroleum Agreement for Concession Block 60

We, Haitham bin Tarik, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State,

the Oil and Gas Law promulgated by Royal Decree 8/2011,

Royal Decree 56/2011 Approving the Petroleum Agreement between the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and Oman Oil Company Exploration and Production LLC for Concession Block 60,

and the collection of documents by which OQ Exploration and Production LLC (formerly Oman Oil Company Exploration and Production LLC) assigned 20% of its rights and obligations in the petroleum agreement signed on 19 March 2011 for Concession Block 60 to MedcoEnergi Oman Block 60 Limited (Oman Branch), and 20% of its rights and obligations in this Agreement to Medco Daya Oman Block 60 Pte Ltd (Oman Branch),

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows


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